Zone Ranger quick knew he was outnumbered he had no other choice but to make a parlay with the white nuns look her he shouted I'm willing to share what we have here before zone Ranger quick could say anything else a black government helicopter flew overhead and someone on a loudspeaker started yelling
we have another Zone fight here ladies and gentlemen
Zone Ranger quick fights the white nun's overlords, who will be triumphant
get your bets in now Zone Ranger quick-must at himself damn it now I'm going to have to play this through
white nuns were surrounding him, there were 10 of them left, they were shooting their guns in every direction trying to cut him down zone Ranger quick took his gun and set it for laser Seeker
this bullet would Ricochet off of each Target that it hit, all he had to do is wait for a couple of the nuns to get close to each other, once that happened he quickly pulled the trigger
the Laser Seeker flew towards the first nun hitting her in the chest ricocheting off of her and hitting another white nun in the arm ripping clean off he set the seeker again
one of the white Nuns were real close to him now
just as he was about ready to pull the trigger she came down hard with her sword and sliced off his ear screaming and reeling from the pain he turned, and he pulled the trigger the seeker found its Mark hitting white nun smack-dab in the upper shoulder blowing it apart you white nun's that were left started yelling Retreat sisters Retreat and ran away screaming he's killed too many of us we must regroup the helicopter that was flying overhead shout it on the speaker it's a draw ladies and gentlemen it's a draw quick has done it again he's survived another battle Lone Ranger quick stood up holding the side of his head with his hand or his ear used to be it was a clean-cut he had his medical bag with him, and he started to use it on the side of his head cussing again as he looked at the surrounding ground it was white and red the white nuns had become the red nun he thought all of them Massacre dead and for what for a stupid key that would probably never be used he could have saved a lot of trouble we just negotiated with him, he went to their bodies picking up different things that he could use never let things go to waist he said to himself now he had to flush food from his battles a missing ear and a leg wound is still hurt like a dick and says he walked, but I was lucky to be alive but for how long you wandered because you knew there was another Ranger coming for him the ranger was a big man named bear claw
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