Saturday, February 5, 2022

GUN PART 6 The Legion of Zone Ranger Bear ClAW


It was around the month of February.

The snow was flying hard outside a small shack-like bar in the middle of zone Ten.

Someplace in the Tennessee Mountains.

When the door to the place opened and a huge giant of a man walked in.

It was unusual for anyone to be out at that time of night in the zone expressly with all the killers.

So when this man opened up the door and came in stamping his feet shaking off the night's cold.

All those inside eyes were on him.

The huge giant moved over to a table in the corner and removed his coat.

The bartender and everyone in the room saw attached to the man's waste lots of weapons and a few sacks.

However, what caught their attention the most was the giant Smoke Wagons.

The numbers on them were as plain as day. This Giant was a Zone Ranger and he was a killer all right.

The Smoke Wagons guns had the number Four on them.

Whispers started up like wildfire around the room.

It’s a Zone Ranger one old man said to a bar madden.

She whispered back So the Wild Bunch will kill him once they know he is here.

Others whispered he must be one of the best in the zone look at the numbers on the Smoke Wagons there are only three away from being Number One.

In that zone, it would be an exciting thing to have a Giant Zone Ranger like this one around.

The last Zone Ranger by the name of Dukes that came through was killed about six years ago by some killers in the zone that called themselves The Wild Bunch Drifters that had taken over the zone killing and doing all manner of evil.

Zone Ranger Dukes showed up to take them out.

He had heard of the bad zones.

Knew if he could tame a few of them.

His reputation would build as well as his odds in the betting pools.

For the people around in his zone.

Maybe better food would be shipped in each month by the government.

Maybe Zone Ranger Dukes thought that he could make his Zone better safer. Even the odds between bad guys and good guys. Make other gangs and killers think twice before coming into his zone.

However, he ended up getting ambushed late one night by the wild Bunch Drifters.

The Cut off his head placed it on a sign out front.

With a warning to other Zone Rangers that might come looking to make a name for themselves.

It worked for six years not a sight of a Zone Ranger till this giant of one stepped through the door.

In fact, his Zone Ranger Dukes Smoke Wagons were still outside on the ground where they fell.

With the sign and skull of Zone Ranger Dukes over them that read anyone dares touch these Smoke Wagons and thinks of taken up the law of the Zone Ranger will be dead as this Zone Ranger duke is now!

Yours truly the Wild Bunch Drifters

So in six years no one had come by and picked them up or dared to.

The Huge giant of a Zone Ranger shifted in the small chair that he sat in.

It made a creaking groaning sound under the man's wait.

The Bar madden came over and asked can I get you something Ranger?

The Man looked up and it was the first time the bar madden saw his face in the light.

There were five long scars on it from forehead to chin. She stepped back at once she knew what Zone Ranger this was.

It was Zone Ranger Bear Claw!

Anyone who was anyone from all over the zones knew of Bear Claw.

It was said that this Zone Ranger was so tough that he broke the neck of a grizzly bear with his own two hands.

Before the bear died it swiped him in the face with its claws.

Leaving him scarred for life.

Giving him the name Zone Ranger Bear Claw when he picked up the Smoke Wagons around ten years ago.

The story went that Bear Claw killed as many Zone Rangers also many out Laws in the zones in the ten years he has been a Zone Ranger.

He is allowed to travel around nine Zones of the wastelands.

Were many Zone Rangers only are able to travel two Zones by their numbered static.

The Numbers on His Smoke Wagon guns were a testament to the story of Bear Claw.

Zone Ranger Bear Claw pointed at some cans of cat food and a half galleon of cold milk.

The Bar Madden nodded then before she walked away to get Zone ranger Bear Claws food she had to ask.

Are you here for the Wild Bunch Drifters?

Bear Claw reached down picked up the sacks he had and opened them up.

The Bar Madden girl looked inside and her eyes grew large as she saw the ten heads of the Wild Bunch Drifters in the bag.

Then Zone Ranger Bear Claw closed the bag.

The bar madden said in a shaky voice ill get you your food right away.

It was like an alarm after serving Zone Ranger Bear Claw his supper whispers were flying around the room.

Someone called the zoning office and related the tail that the wild Bunch drifters were all dead.

Before Zone Ranger Bear claw had finished his meal of cat food and milk someone was Screaming out his name.

Some idiot had picked up the Zone Ranger Dukes Smoke Wagon Guns.

It was over in a second.

The numbers on Zone Ranger Bear Claws guns clicked to three and the New Zone Ranger of forty-five seconds.

Lay dead on the floor with a hole in his chest that was the size of a dinner plate.

The idiot never got the chance to make a name for himself!

Zone Ranger Dukes Smoke Wagon Guns now lay inside the bar instead of outside.

It was a new story to be told and sensationalized.

Someone turned on a GOVERNMENT BROAD cast as people gathered around.

The newsman yelled we just got word that Zone Ranger Bear claw took out another gang of bad guys and another New Zone Ranger that had no name who challenged him.

Easy fights to be sure.

However, these things are nothing compared to last week's battle between the Cobra Kid and Zone Ranger Quick from zone five. 

It also reported that Zone Ranger Quick was in a battle with Zone Ranger Razor Shard.

However, there is no news as to the outcome of that great battle yet. Other than a challenge has been made.

See the exciting details on your local channels.

Zone Ranger Bear Claw shook his head and sat back down he wanted to see this fight. He had heard of Zone Ranger Razor Shard.

A dirty fighter who used missals, grenades, and anything that was able to be tossed at a distance to avoid combat up close.

Then he would after the battle take a Razor and carve his name in the body of those he killed. Cut off an ear or fingerer as a trophy.

He was a show-off waving to the crowds screaming he was going to be number one when his Smoke wagon guns were listed at Five hundred.

Most of the kills he had done without any of the Zone Rangers knowing he was even challenging them.

He liked big guns to just take women he saw on the street and use them and then kill them.

Zone ranger Bear Claw had him on his list. However, he thought this might be interesting to watch.

Zone Ranger Bear Claw had not heard of this Zone Ranger Quick before.

It was because he was such a high number that their cercal had not crossed.

Yet it was interesting to hear that the betting going on was so high for a relatively new ranger to the game.

He would have bet on Razor Shard easily.

Yet people all over were saying this Quick was the one to place your bet on. One guy said I’ve seen Quick fight he is dam good.

He won me two months' worth of food and I know he can do it again. My bets on that Quick kid.

Well, others shouted that the odds were against Zone Ranger Quick and they were betting on Zone Ranger Razor Shard.

The Place got silent as the Government newsman shouted Oh my god the battle is on!

Bear Claw watched in utter amazement as Zone Ranger Razor opened up with a spray of star pins.

The Zone Ranger Quick grabbed a broken refrigerator door and used it as a shield then peppered the place with cone balls that took out the lights.

For a second all that could be seen were sparks in the darkness then it was quiet.

People were yelling what happened as the betting went mad.

Some were yelling five pounds of sugar on Zone Ranger Quick

Others were screaming Bull Zone Ranger Razor Shard won! Quick is dead!

Ten bags of beans on Razor Shard the bartender yelled at the betting counter.

The Old man by Zone Ranger Bear Claw shook his head saying Dam I thought the Zone Ranger Quick had it in him.

I guess my ability to pick them just is not what it used to be.

Zone Ranger Bear Claw shook His head.

Saying It's not over.

The Old man turned to the television well they seem to think it is.

Just then the Government newsman came on screaming sorry folks for the technical difficulties.

One of our main cameras was hit with a star pin.

The fight is still going on we now take you to our man on the street.

This brought more screams and a whole new round of betting as the television flashed a few times then this crazy guy's face showed up on the screen.

Ladies and gentlemen shield the kid's eyes and get ready for the battle from hell he said excitingly!

I have never seen anything like this the gloves are off.

Zone Ranger Razor Shard Is held up in that building right over there shooting bullet sprays in every direction.

Word is that Zone Ranger Quick’s cone balls blinded Razor Shard.

Zone Ranger Quick is also wounded In his right leg

The television cameras switched to the building where shots could be heard.

Then they stopped and Zone Ranger Razor shard shouted How’s the leg Quick?

Zone Ranger Quick shouted back still in working order.

Too bad, you can’t see it. I know your blind Razor.

Another hail of gun Fire than the sound of clicking.

People in the bar started yelling Zone Ranger Razor Shards out of bullets.

After that it was over everyone who betted on him was screaming and cussing as they heard the Government newsman say.

What an upset ladies and gentlemen Zone Ranger Quick just walked up and dropped a grenade key in Zone Ranger Razor Shards' hand then said as he walked away I’ve put the grenade close to you Razor Shard.

If you can find it.

You might be able to put the pin back in it before time runs out.

Razor Shard screamed out no and it was over there was a super loud explosion and parts of him were blown all over the place.

Razor shards Smoke wagon Guns landed right next to the Government newsman.

For a moment the whole bar was quiet then it was like a made house as people started screaming and shouting.

The old man that was complaining a few minutes before to Zone Ranger Bear Claw

Was now on his feet screaming did you see that no one and I mean no one is as good as Zone ranger Quick.

I was just telling the Zone Ranger Bear Claw here that Zone Ranger Quick wouldn’t let me down and I won me a bunch of food.

One man that had just lost on Zone ranger Razor Shard Stepped out from the crowd and shouted shut up old man and give me your winning bet ticket.

No, the old man shouted its mine I won it fair and square.

The Man grabbed the old man's hand that held the winning bet ticket and pulled out his knife and stabbed the old man.

The old man fell to the bar floor bleeding out.

He watched the man walk away with his winning betting ticket.

His last words were its mine I tell you.

I won its mine.

No one did anything they just turned back around.

Zone Ranger Bear Claw got up and walked out looked back and said under his breath. The fool should have shut up and just waited till later to cash in with all these half-starved lice-ridden people he was bound to get killed 

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gun part 11

The sun was high as Zone Ranger quick finished picking the bones of the dead nuns he grabbed all their water canteens and started to walk aw...